Base Camp is committed to the safety of every participant. We work every day to create a safe and fun environment so kids and families can have every opportunity to be successful in life. We seek to exceed all public health, child safety, and industry adventure standards. We are committed to being part of the solution toward reducing the violence and victimization that children and youth face.

The Base Camp Promise to You

  1. All members of our staff are thoroughly screened, complete with background checks, to ensure that they are suited to work with children.
  2. All members of our staff have completed Youth Protection Training for the prevention of child abuse and know how to report any suspicion of abuse. All staff are mandatory reporters of suspicion of abuse.
  3. Parents may observe or visit – unannounced at any time – any program in which their child participates.
  4. Staff members will never be alone with a single child where they cannot be observed by others.
  5. Staff members will never leave a child unsupervised.
  6. Staff members will only enter a child occupied restroom when the child’s health and safety is in jeopardy.
  7. Abuse and bullying are never tolerated at Base Camp or in the Boy Scouts of America.
  8. Staff members will respond to all Scouts/children with respect and treat all Scouts/children equally regardless of sex, race, religion, culture, economic status, or disability.
  9. Staff members will not be alone with any Scout/child outside of the approved program/activities areas.
  10. Corporal or physical punishment is not allowed at Base Camp. An unruly child may be verbally reprimanded, redirected into other activities, lose privileges, removed from an activity or turned over to their parent’s care.
  11. Staff members will never release any Scout/child to anyone other than those authorized by the parent or guardian and proper ID will be required.
  12. Our staff will conduct themselves according to the Scout Oath and strive to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Base Camp offers a number of programs that are designed for children and adults of all ages to build character, explore nature, and create lifelong memories.